Friday, 23 December 2022

Where Can I Sell My Diamonds?

Deciding to sell a diamond can be a very difficult decision. You may have inherited a diamond from your great-grandmother and have sentimental value attached to it. However, financial needs may need to take priority at this time in your life.

There are many reasons you may be looking for the best place to sell diamonds. Many people sell their valuable jewelry so they can accumulate funds for higher education, home renovations, a new car, paying off a loan, or simply to invest.

The first question you need to reflect on is: Are you ready to sell your diamond? If the answer is yes, here’s what you need to know to sell your diamonds for cash. 

While selling diamonds can be lucrative, it’s not as straightforward as selling other precious valuables like gold. Gold has a quantifiable melt value, whereas the resale prices for diamonds do not have one objective measure like this one. 

How Do You Value A Diamond? 

Diamonds are primarily evaluated based on the “4 C’s” including Clarity, Cut, Color and Carat Weight. 

Carat - a diamond’s carat weight is a measure of how heavy the diamond is in carats (1 CT = 0.2g). All things being equal, the higher the carat weight, the more the diamond will be worth. 

Color - Diamonds come in a variety of colors from colorless (white) to some color. On the other hand, diamonds of other colors known as fancy colored, will be worth more the deeper the hue. 

Clarity - A diamond’s clarity measures how free a diamond is from blemishes, inclusions and flaws. A diamond may have internal flaws called inclusions or external flaws - blemishes. In general, the fewer blemishes and inclusions, the higher the value of the diamond. 

Cut - This refers to the shape of the diamond that has been created by the diamond cutter. Unlike the other four C’s, a diamond’s cut is not an innate feature of the diamond but is created by the craftsman who handles it. 

Understanding how each of these 4 C’s applies to your specific diamond will go a long way in helping determine how much the diamond could actually be worth. Submitting your diamond for an evaluation by the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) is the best way to determine what the diamond could be worth on the free market. After your grading is complete, you will receive an official certificate with all of the diamond’s attributes that affect the value of your diamond. 

Summary: Go To iValue Lab to Sell Your Diamond.

So, if you’re asking yourself, “Where can I sell my diamond?” Try iValue Lab. Based in the heart of New York City, their team of specialists are happy to guide you in the process of selling your diamond

iValue Lab prides themselves on their seamless customer experience. You first navigate to the free appraisal form on the iValue Lab website and include a description of your ring along with photos. iValue Lab will provide a rough estimate of the jewelry appraisal, although they need the jewelry on hand to give you the most accurate estimate. 

If you wish to move forward, iValue Lab will send a courier to go pick up the jewelry. iValue Lab covers the cost of transportation and insurance so you are fully covered. Once your ring reaches them, the entire process is recorded on video, so you have full transparency. You will receive a final offer once their in-house gemologist inspects and appraises the ring. iValue Lab consistently receives high ratings and reviews from their customers who say that iValue Lab is where they received the highest offer for their diamond.

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Wednesday, 13 July 2022

How to Get the Most Money When Selling Diamond Ring?


Parting ways from your diamond ring can be overwhelming and emotional. The circumstances leading to this might be painful and you would not want to go through a tedious and challenging process to sell your diamond ring. There are now dedicated companies working to make this experience pleasant and with a positive outcome. One of these companies is iValueLab.

sell my diamond ring

How Much is It Worth?

The essential thing that you need to consider when you want to sell diamond ring for cash is to minimize the loss. One thing you need to understand is that you will never recover what you paid. In general, you might be able to receive 20% of the original value to maybe 50% on rare occasions but obviously the amount also depends on the jewelry itself and the current market conditions. There are various places you can consider, and each place might offer you a different value. There is no formula according to which they decide the value of the diamond ring. They use the details about the diamond and the selling price of similar options to determine the price they want to offer you.

Determining the Value.

There are certain things that are taken into consideration when making an offer for your diamond ring.

  1. Place of Purchase: You must understand that retail stores have a very high markup some stores more than others. You will pay more than the actual market value of the item as they will add the cost of labor, brand name and any other overhead charges.
    They themselves purchase the diamonds from wholesalers after which they add a markup and then sell it to you. Therefore, when you step into the market to re-sell your diamond, the buyers would like to purchase it at a price even lower than wholesale.

  2. The Diamond: The harsh reality is that your center diamond is what carries the most value. So, you will receive your offers based on the diamond alone. The focus will be on the details of the diamond which are:

·       Carat weight

·       Color of the diamond,

·       Clarity/Quality of the diamond and,

·       Cut/Shape of the diamond.


There are more details that a professional diamond buyer will consider, and you can find that information on your diamond certificate as well. It is always a good idea to ask your buyer to explain the reason for the price they have offered.

  1. The Brand: Items of Luxurious brands like Cartier or Tiffany & Co. can get you higher offers. As they are the most sought-after brands. Even if you want to sell your old rings, pieces from these brands are usually always in style. And the buyer can receive a much higher amount from the next buyer.

  2. Ring Setting: Unfortunately, the setting will not bring you back any good amount of cash. As the buyers might just want to melt it for the gold. When you purchase it you pay for the labor and for the markup. So, the center diamond is what determines the value, and the setting might be just for a couple hundred bucks.

  3. Appraisal Value: Don't get yourself confused between the appraisal value and resale value. The appraisal value or the replacement value mentioned on your jewelry appraisal is usually the amount that you would have to pay to replace your item. It is in no way the market value of your piece. When you are looking to sell your unwanted rings do not expect to receive the amount mentioned on the appraisal. It is a very unrealistic expectation and will only lead to disappointment.

Having discussed all the points to determine your ring's value now you just need to find the best place to sell it. And at present online professional diamond buyers are the most popular and reliable option. You deserve the best offers, and you can get that at iValueLab. When selling to them you will eliminate any service charges or any kind of fee. You will get the most professional customer service, a smooth and positive experience.

You can also connect on Facebook!

Friday, 17 September 2021

Who Buys Antique Jewelry Near Me?

Let’s think of the following scenario… Your granny decided to give you all her jewelry, and she wants you to use it to buy or pay for something you really need such as your first car, start a business or anything else. Because of that, you are thrilled with the emotion, but wait a minute, breathe in and breathe out. Now, what are the steps to follow thanking your grandmother for such an act of love? Is this engagement ring an antique or a vintage diamond ring? Where can you sell antique and vintage diamond jewelry near me? Who buys antique jewelry? Where can you sell antique jewelry near me?  

First of all, you have to contact a professional jeweler who can give you an antique diamond ring appraisal. The best option is iValueLab where the highly experienced gemologist and handy customer service specialists work eagerlyto give you the best offer you can get. Such an offer is based on the current market conditions and considering the GIA standards. We will consider your diamond carat weight, color, clary and cut to make you an offer you might not get anywhere else. To get such an appraisal and offer, you should visit   iValueLabwebsite, fill in an evaluation form with all the information about your jewelry, and members of this expert team will send you an estimate within 24 business hours. If you agree with the price, you will ship the item free of charge and the funds will be transferred to your account the same day.

Even though iValueLab customer service experts will give you all the detailed information about your ring, you may wonder what the difference between antique and vintage jewelry is, if there is any. There is a difference; antique diamond rings are those items which are over 100 years old. Usually, antique jewelry belongs to a specific period, such as the Georgian era, the Victorian era or the Edwardian era. This has an impact on their style, value, characteristics, and the manufacturer who cut and polished the diamond which all in all will cause the diamond to be valuable. What is more, there are some antique engagement rings which belonged to famous prominent and powerful families which are rare and collectible. You may not believe the amount of money some wealthy people are willing to pay for those antique rings. 

Vintage jewelry, on the other hand, are rings, necklaces, earrings, or any other piece of jewelry which is between 20 to 100 years old. Although there may be antique jewelry buyers near me who may be interested in vintage jewelry, bear in mind that the values you may get are much lower than when selling antique jewelry.

Apart from the period, the uniqueness of the item and how collectible it may be, know another important factor that the professional team will consider in the antique diamond ring appraisal is its condition. If the antique jewelry is damaged because it was exposed to extremely high temperature or because it cracked as the result of impacting against either another diamond or any other tough surface, its price will decrease dramatically.



Thursday, 25 February 2021

How Much Is My Wedding Ring Worth?

A person’s relationship with their diamond is quite complex. You want to get rid of the negative emotions, but because of all the memories attached to that small piece of jewelry you cannot seem to get rid of it. 

When you finally decide to part ways with your beloved piece of jewelry the next question that pops in your mind is where can I sell diamond rings?

How Much Is My Wedding Ring Worth .

There sure are a lot of options to choose from:

1- Jewelry stores: 

In case you walk into a retail jewelry store to sell your wedding ring. It is highly unlikely that they will purchase it from you. 

Almost always these retail stores get their diamonds from wholesalers on consignment or buy it from them for a significantly cheaper price. Hence, they will make no profit by purchasing it from you for market price. Only if the diamond jewelry you are offering is a rare kind or is extremely beautiful that it has caught their eye, they might end up providing an offer. However, they will want to purchase it from you for a price, way below the market value.  

2- Pawnshops: 

The only reason you will want to even consider going to a pawn shop is if you need the cash right that minute. Otherwise, it is not the smartest option as you will not get the right price for your item. These shops tend to purchase jewelry items at the cheapest rates possible. 

3- Auction:

 This might get you something close to what you are looking for however it can take forever to just receive that offer. And you will only get a higher price if your item is one of a kind and people are unable to find such options elsewhere.

4- Consumers:

 You can try selling your wedding ring to the general public by putting it up on Craigslist or eBay. But the chances of being able to sell there are quite low. If you think ‘Hey, I will value my diamond ring for a higher price on this platform and get back my money’. Well, you will end up never selling it because if someone is searching for secondhand jewelry online, they already are looking for the cheapest options. Otherwise, they can just purchase it from a retail store and get insurance and packaging as well!

Diamond ring resale value is usually not what you expect when you decide to sell your diamond rings.

You cannot get back the money you spent and most certainly cannot make any profit out of it. It is about time that people understand that diamonds are not investments. What you need to do is, to find the right buyer who will appraise your diamond for the right price.

How to appraise diamond ring you might ask? There is no right answer, but there sure is a simpler answer- iValueLab. The company has the most experienced and highly qualified gemologists on their team to provide with the fairest offer for your wedding rings. You will get an estimated value for your jewelry online within 24 hours. And if you wish to proceed you can send it your item for evaluation by the gemologist and get the final offer. If you agree you will get the funds in your account within 24-48 hours with no service charge or percentages taken out of the amount offered. And if you are unhappy with the offer provided, they just send your item back with a free insurance appraisal! Now that is a deal we like! 

Friday, 4 December 2020

Where Can I Sell My Engagement Ring For Instant Cash?

A diamond ring is a beloved possession for everyone. The decision to sell it is not only heartbreaking but challenging too. Very few people know diamonds. And while selling, you can make mistakes that can cost you thousands. When people decide to sell their diamonds, they need some financial support for themselves or their families. So you must avoid any mistake while selling the diamond. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Selling Diamond

There could be other reasons for selling the diamond, like they want to replace it with some other stone. It can be someone's gift from whom they are trying to move on. Whatever the reason is, if you are selling your diamond, then you have to be careful. And need to avoid any mistake while selling it.

Here Is A List Of Few Significant Points To Take Care Of While Selling A Diamond:

1. Stay Prepared: Even if you have an attachment to your diamond, you will have to let go of it. This is ultimately an asset for you. So you have to be emotionally and mentally ready to sell the diamond. 

2. Knowledge: Diamond seller should know the essential details of the stone. The most important factors are considered to be the 4Cs. These are cut, clarity, color, and carat. With this information, you can quickly determine the value of your diamond. But after you know all these, you must also do proper research of the stone. These factors can affect the cost of the diamond. The shape and size of the diamond is also an influencing factor.

3. False Expectations: Many people have high expectations when selling a diamond. Not all diamonds have a high cost. It entirely depends on the structure and quality of the stone. If it is of low quality, it isn't easy to get high prices from selling the rock. Even the weight affects pricing. 

4. Clear Doubts: Online sources have many details and blogs about selling a diamond. But that is not enough. You have to ask the buyer the right questions before selling it.

5. Selling Options: Many ways are available to sell the diamond. You can choose from wholesalers, retailers, and auctions. The most familiar options among these are a retailer. Selling them an engagement ring for cash is the simplest and easiest with them.

Selling the diamond to a reliable source is very necessary. Do your research and then decide to sell the diamond.

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Monday, 9 November 2020

What to Do with Wedding Ring after Divorce

Engagement rings play a significant role in people’s life. But when the relationship goes down the hill and turns into legal separation, then the same ring turns into a worst nightmare. People find ways to get rid of it or keeping wondering on what to do with it. 


So, if you are one of those people who are finding ways to sell your wedding ring, then this blog is just for you.


Best Way to Sell Your Wedding Ring after Divorce


Looking for where to sell your engagement rings to best jewelry buyer for cash? Sit back and keep reading to gain some important knowledge of what you can do with your wedding ring after the divorce. 

Sell your wedding ring

1- Give It Back:


Many women choose to return the ring back to the ex after the divorce or breakup. If you weren’t married to your fiancé, then he/she has the legal rights on the ring. Similarly, if you were married and the ring is a family heirloom, then you can give it back as a courtesy. 


2- Upgrade the Ring:


If you decide to keep the ring, then you can opt to redesign wedding ring after divorceYou can convert the ring into new jewelry as a symbol of a new beginning. Or else you can keep the band of the ring and upgrade the diamond so that the ring looks contemporary and not an obvious sign of commitment.  

Sell your wedding ring

3- Sell The Ring For Cash:


If you do not wish to keep the ring and even your ex isn’t interested in taking it back, then you can find the best place to sell wedding rings and exchange the ring for cash. The money you receive from the ring can be used as an investment in a new house, a vacation, or even the children’s education. 


4- Or Keep It And Pass Down:


If none of the above options attract you, then you can keep the ring as a souvenir of the relationship you had with your ex. It isn’t necessary that all the relationships end on a bad note. If your dint either, then keep the ring so that you can pass it down to your children or grandchildren.  


Bottom Line


It is hard to cope with reality when the relationships are dangling on a thin line. But if you have already survived the separation, it is important that you make the right decision with your ring too. Use either of the options as mentioned above to ensure that the ring is taken care of properly.

Tips for Selling Diamond Rings for Cash

Investment in the diamond rings is made with the intention to use it forever. Some diamond rings are even passed down generations as a family heirloom. 


But inevitable situations like financial problems or even trouble in paradise can lead us to search for “Where to sell my old diamond ring” on the internet. Even though buying the jewelry may seem like an easy task, but the other way around is a bit challenging. 

Best place to sell rings

Where Can I Sell My Diamond Ring For Cash?


So, here in this blog, we will provide you with easy tips so that you can sell the GIA certified loose diamonds conveniently for cash. 


1- Provide An Authentication Certificate:

When you go out to sell the Diamond jewelry, the authentication certificate is the first thing the buyer will ask. So, it is better that you establish a certificate from legal gemological labs such as the GIA. This way, the buyer of the gold jewelry will get proper knowledge about the stone. If you want, you can even get the diamond assessed and appraised before selling it. 


2- Approach A Jeweler:


Not just the distributors, even the jewelers purchase used jewelry from the owners. But, keep in mind Jewelry stores that buy rings are looking for a profitable business. And that means they will try to purchase the diamond from you below the dump-price. So, be sure to never fall for any value that is lower than 40% of the Rapaport value. Always negotiate the first price they tell you. 

Best place to sell rings

3- Sell On Your Own:


If you wish, then you can even sell your diamonds on your own. That means you will require sourcing the buyers. You can either put the advertisement for the rings on websites like eBay, craigslist, etc. You can even place ads in the local newspaper. Or else, there is always an option of talking with colleagues, friends, or families to see if anyone is interested.  

4- Place It On A Consignment Basis With A Local Jeweler:


If selling on your own seems daunting, then you can stay away from the hassle and let the local jeweler help you sell it on a consignment basis. Even though you may require paying service fees, but you can stay away from unnecessary headaches. Plus, consigning the jewelry is the Best place to sell rings as it can offer better profits.


Bottom line


We know it can be the hardest decision to part your ways with the diamond jewelry that you once relished. However, if selling is the only solution, then use our article as a guide for sell your diamond ring conveniently. 

The Source Link:

Where Can I Sell My Diamonds?

Deciding to sell a diamond can be a very difficult decision. You may have inherited a diamond from your great-grandmother and have sentiment...